What you need to know before you bring a leopard gecko home.

  Leopard geckos are very cute, and affordable, which makes them ideal targets for neglect. Leopard geckos are not what most consider sociable, especially the younger ones. Baby leopard geckos are fragile, and should be handled as little as possible. Handling a baby leopard gecko can cause it unnecessary stress, which in some cases can be fatal. You also run a risk of injuring your baby leopard gecko while handling it. It is best to only use your finger to pet it, while it is in it's tank, and only for a short amount of time. If your leopard gecko strikes at you, arches it back, or stands on its tip toes, then it's had all the attention it can handle for the time being. Around 6 weeks of age your gecko will be large enough that you can handle him a little easier, and it will be a little more tolerate of you as well. In general adult, and senior leopard geckos are much more calm, and easier to handle then babies, and young leopard geckos.

Suppplies You Will Need

It's amazing how easy a pet that cost under $30.00 can cost you hundreds in the long run. Before you buy a leopard gecko you need to be aware of it's needs. Below you will find a list of things you will need to have in order to keep your leopard gecko happy, and healthy. The prices reflect generalized prices local to me, and are meant for awareness reasons. Please be sure to check your local pet supply prices before buying a leopard gecko.
10 Gallon Tank         $15.00
Lid For Tank           $10.00
Under Tank Heater  $15.00
Food & Water Bowl  $10.00
Hide                        $10.00
Calcium D3 Powder  $8.00
Substrate                 $15.00
Mealworms              $3.00 (Every few weeks)
Crickets                   $2.00 (weekly)
Cricket Keeper         $20.00

 As you can see you need at least $100.00 to spend on supplies alone. What started off as a cute little cheap gecko, can run in into a finacial problem if you are not prepared. There are tons of leopard geckos available. My suggestion is to make sure you have all the supplies you need, before you buy the gecko.  

Do It Yourself

     There are some things that you can make yourself with when it comes to your leopard geckos needs. For example you can make your own moist, and dry hides. You can also use paper towels for substrate, which will save you a little. But you must have a under tank heater (UTH), and Calcium powder with D3 available for your leopard gecko. Also be sure to check for loose parts on DIY projects. Loose rocks, can cause injury or death, and small parts such as small pebbles, or even small silk leaves can be eaten resulting in death.

Signs Of A Healthy Gecko

    No matter where you decide to buy your leopard gecko, you want to make sure you pick out a healthy one. Signs of good health include:

Clear eyes (free of discharge)
Clear nostrils (free of discharge)
Closed mouth
Clean mouth
Thick well formed body
Good weight
Intact toes, claws, and tail. (if toes, claws, or tail is missing make sure the wound has healed, and is not infected)
Body should be free of wounds, lumps, and discolorations.  (scars are not unheard of, but make sure the wounds have healed)
Alert and active behavior
Vent area clean 

Where To Buy A Leopard Gecko

    There are plenty of places to buy leopard geckos. Keep in mind that leopard geckos under 6 weeks of age should not be shipped due to their size, and the risk of injury. If your looking for a baby leopard gecko, try looking in local classified ads for breeder close to you. You can also check with your local pet stores. Most exotic reptile shows also have a nice selection of geckos to choose from as well.